Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Role of Women in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay

The Role of Women in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Women have taken an increasingly important role in literature. Only recently have authors portrayed women in a dominant, protagonistic light. Sophocles and other classical writers portrayed women more as reactors than heroines. Since the ancient Greeks, however, a trend has been established that gives women characters much more substance and purpose. A definite shift from the antediluvian ways can be seen, and the overall complexity of women characters has increased exponentially. In Conrad?s Heart of Darkness, however, the portrayal of women takes a backwards step and is reverted back to the primitive, more demeaning viewpoint. Conrad employs characters that reflect the†¦show more content†¦Marlow knew that these falsities were the only barrier between the Intended and the darkness of Kurtz and society as a whole. Marlow also described the Native Woman in depth throughout the novel. In one such passage, he gives the reader an illustration by stating ?She was savage and superb, wild eyed and magnificent?she stood looking at us without a stir and like the wilderness itself, with an air of brooding over an inscrutable purpose.? Conrad describes the Native Woman with such exuberance and detail in order to create a conflict between the African Native and the Intended. Later on in the story Marlow describes the Intended by stating: ?She came forward all in black and with a pale head, floating toward me in the dusk?I noticed she was not very young?I mean not girlish?The room seemed to have grown darker, as if all the sad light of the cloudy evening had taken refuge on her forehead. This fair hair, this pale visage, this pure brow, seemed surrounded by an ashy halo from which the dark eyes looked out at me.? By analyzing the differences in these quotes, we can reduce the message down to one of the most important themes of the entire story. The Native represents purity, innocence, nature, and simplicity; the Intended is a symbol of industry, clamo r, and exploration. Keeping this is in mind, and noticing how Conrad describes the Native as ?magnificent? and ?superb? and the Intended as ?dark? and ?cloudy?, it is apparent in which ideal ConradShow MoreRelatedThe Significant Role of Women in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness1986 Words   |  8 PagesIn the 1900s novella Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, the protagonist often encounters women at landmarks of his life. Charlie Marlow is a sailor and imperialist who sets out along the Congo River to â€Å"civilize† the â€Å"savages.† The novella begins with a crew on the Thames waiting for the tides to change. During their wait, a character named Marlow tells of his exploits on the African continent. 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But to Johanna Smith who wrote â€Å"’Too Beautiful Altogether’: Ideologies of Gender and Empire in Heart of Darkness† it is much more than that. Johanna Smith along with Wallace Watson and Rita A. Bergenholtz agree that throughout Heart of Darkness there are tones of gender prejudice, but the wayRead More Misleading Interpretations of Conrads Heart of Darkness Essays1186 Words   |  5 PagesMisleading Interpretations of Conrads Heart of Darkness Chinua Achebe, a well-known writer, once gave a lecture at the University of Massachusetts about Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness, entitled An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrads Heart of Darkness. Throughout his essay, Achebe notes how Conrad used Africa as a background only, and how he set Africa up as a foil to Europe,(Achebe, p.251) while he also projects the image of Africa as the other world, the antithesis of Europe andRead MoreEssay on Hearts of Darkness: Post Colonialism850 Words   |  4 PagesWrite a critique of Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness, based on your reading about post-colonialism and discussing Conrads view of African culture as other. What would someone from Africa think about this work? Heart of Darkness starts out in London and also ends there as well. Most of the story takes place in the Congo which is now known as the Republic of the Congo. Heart of Darkness was essentially a transitional novel between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. During the nineteenthRead More Sexist Attitude in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay856 Words   |  4 PagesSexist Attitude in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness This paper will discuss the way Conrads novel Heart of Darkness relies, both thematically and formally, on values that could be called sexist. By sexism I mean the those cultural assumptions that make women be regarded, unjustly, as in different ways inferior to men: socially, intellectually and morally. Since Heart of Darkness has often been regarded as one of the best and profoundest discussions of morality in English literature, thisRead MoreHeart Of Darkness By Joseph Conrad And The Portrayal Of Women1679 Words   |  7 PagesLucia Zhu Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and the Portrayal of Women Joseph Conrad’s novella Heart of Darkness is an adventure tale about the narrator’s journey through the mysterious Congo River. Marlow, the narrator, becomes a sea captain as he travels the world in a steamboat. His journey starts from the Thames River in England to deep in the Congo River of Africa. Marlow’s mission is to locate and retrieve Europe’s best agent–Mr. Kurtz. As the search for Kurtz proves to be both horrifyingRead MoreMarginalization: Heart of Darkness and God of Small Things1463 Words   |  6 Pagessince the half yearly. Issues of racism, women discrimination and the corruption of power used to be subtly touched upon or ignored. However they were also viewed differently depending on the era it was brought up in. Yet as time passed by, it seems these issues have become common discussion. This change of significance in how the audience responds and view texts that carry the notions of marginalization can be seen by Joseph Conrad’s ‘Heart of Darkness’ and Arundhati Roy’s ‘God of Small Things’Read More The Role of Kurtz’s Intended in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness1580 Words   |  7 PagesThe Role of Kurtz’s Intended in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Very often in literature minor characters appear for only a short time in the story but carry a very heavy significance in the overall meaning of the book. Kurtz’s Intended, in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, is this kind of character. The unnamed woman only appears for a brief period at the end of the novel, but Conrad includes her for three very crucial reasons. He has Kurtz’s fiancà ©e appear to provide a justification forRead MoreHeart Of Darkness Essay1426 Words   |  6 PagesJoseph Conrads novel Heart of Darkness uses character development and character analysis to really tell the story of European colonization. Within Conrads characters one can find both racist and colonialist views, and it is the opinion, and the interpretation of the reader which decides what Conrad is really trying to say in his work. Chinua Achebe, a well known writer, once gave a lecture at the University of Massachusetts about Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness, entitled An image of Africa:

Social Commentary In A Clockwork Orange Essay Example For Students

Social Commentary In A Clockwork Orange Essay By: Cam E-mail: emailprotected Anthony Burgesss View That a Lack of Free Choice is Spiritually Condemning as Evident in A Clockwork Orange In all of my reading, I have come to the conclusion that Anthony Burgess is the greatest literary genius of the twentieth century. His masterpiece, A Clockwork Orange, is unrivaled in depth, insight, and innovation. The novel is a work of such quality, such perfection, that it seems to be written by a literary demigod. The novels main theme deals with free choice and spiritual freedom. More specifically, The ethical promise that A man who cannot choose ceases to be man can be taken as both the explicit and implicit themes of the novel. Anthony Burgess expresses his view that no matter how good ones actions are, unless one has free moral choice, he is spiritually damned. The novel revolves around one criminally minded teen, Alex, whose world consists of rape, murder, and ruthless violence. Alex is eventually setup by his droogs (friends) and is arr ested and jailed. After some time in jail, Alex is placed in a new rehabilitating program that uses electro-shock therapy, new medicines, and exposure to violent film. The program breaks all that Alex holds dear and builds him up with a new artificial conscience. This part of the novel presents the reader with a new, reformed Alex, an Alex without free will or freedom of choice, an Alex who has become a victim. Burgess considers this lack of freedom to be spiritually murderous and terribly wrong. Burgess knows that it is better to choose to be evil, than to be forced to be good. Alex is tormented by his new state of oppression. He is incapable of making any choice; he must always do what is good. Alex is then taken under the wing of a writer who is fighting the oppressive government. The writer greatly publicizes the oppressive rehabilitation the state put Alex through. But Alex is still tormented by his lack of choice, so tormented, that he even attempts suicide. While Alex is in t he hospital following his suicide attempt, the tragedy of his oppression is highly publicized, in an attempt to stop public criticism, the state fixed Alex. He once again has freedom of choice. Through these series of events, Burgess shows another conviction of his. Burgess believes that totalitarian governments take away ones individual choice and therefore suffocate his soul. The state in A Clockwork Orange is a general parallel to any overly oppressive or totalitarian government. Alex is a representative of the common man. Burgess attack on behaviorists and on totalitarian states is obvious. By showing what torment Alex went through when rehabilitated by the state, Burgess shows his strong sentiment against governments taking away the choice of individuals, and therefore condemning the individuals spirit. Burgesss strong convictions on the subject of individual moral freedom seems odd and even backwards to some. But it is incredibly right when one grasps its full meaning. Burgess repliesNo matter how awful Alexs actions become, he should be allowed to choose them. To be forced to do good is truly wrong. If one is forced to do right, and he does what is right, it is not out of any ethical or moral conviction. When one does what he is forced to, he is merely a programmed pawn of the state. He becomes sub-human, he is merely a robotic existence. But when one has choice, he is an individual. When one who is free, chooses good, it is out of a moral conscience and good intent. He chooses to do good. The good done through free choice is infinitely better than the forced good of one who is oppressed into morality. Burgess, through his use of satire, rebukes the suppression of freedom. Anthony Burgess is extremely clear in his message in A Clockwork Orange. His convictions on free choice and oppression are clearly stated and hidden in the dark satire of the violent tale. Obviously Burgesss feeling is that there is potentially more good in a man who deliberately choo ses evil, than in one who is forced to be good . This masterpiece grows stronger and deeper in meaning every time one reads it. Burgess repeatedly reveals his powerful beliefs that it is even the most violent crimes are trivial when compared to the heinous crime of oppression. Burgess not only considers moral oppression to be a wrong against ones civil rights, but he also considers it to be a destructive wrong against ones spiritual existence. This book delivers this message so powerfully, so overwhelmingly, that it leaves the reader in a state of awe and profound musing for some time after the book is read. This book demands, and commands, ones full attention and thought. Burgess seems to be inspired on a somewhat holy mission. His war is against moral oppression and the governments causing it. His weapon, a powerful one, is his incredible satiric writing ability. 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Friday, April 17, 2020

Writing a Proposal Essay on Environmental Topics

Writing a Proposal Essay on Environmental TopicsA proposal essay is really a request for something that you want. With these types of essay topics, you are going to create a strong outline for what you want, but you are also going to pull back. You're going to discuss what you want without being too controlling of the process. This can lead to an essay that may be more challenging than others, but it will be a worthwhile experience for you.Environmental topics are always a good choice because they deal with safety. There are all kinds of ideas that you can use to draw attention to what is right in front of you. What you need to do is find out what your environmentalist peers are doing.Environmental topics for essay writing will usually revolve around the issue of the environment and how things affect you. For example, if you live in Maine, you will likely want to use topics about what is going on in the ocean or around the land. It's important to note that when doing environmental to pics for essay writing, you should keep in mind that some of the topics will be rather serious and some will be quite humorous.Remember that when you write environmental topics for essay writing, you should choose a topic that will be easy to relate to. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to essay topics, but you can always make sure that the topic is something that you are interested in. This means that you should keep an open mind when you are writing, and remember that everyone has different interests.If you're not sure what environmental topics for essay writing are, the first thing that you need to do is find out who else is taking the test on your topic. Start by going to your local bookstore and look up information. When you start to search online, there are many sites that you can get information from.Once you have some idea about what environmental topics for essay writing are, it's time to write your essay. When you are writing your proposal essay, remember that the key is to be as true to yourself as possible. You don't want to make the essay appear like it was written by someone else, but you do want to be true to yourself.Environmental topics for essay writing can include anything that is going on with the environment, whether it's an issue in your own life or something that you are looking into. If you're interested in the ocean and the ecosystem, then you can use the ideas from that to create a proposal essay. There are many ways that you can go about writing the essay, but remember that you can't please everyone, and you also can't please everyone too.When you are done with your essay, remember that the most important thing is to write. The essay doesn't matter so much as the quality of the topic. You may have to make some changes in the topic before you submit it, but don't let that stop you from submitting it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How to Find a Good Journal Research Paper Writing Service Provider

How to Find a Good Journal Research Paper Writing Service ProviderJournal research paper writing service is a cost effective way to publish academic work. You do not have to be a professor or an author in order to use the service. Service providers do extensive research on each client and are able to provide customized writing services to meet the requirements of each client.When you hire a service provider, you can be assured that the research on your paper will be according to your subject and grade requirements. You will also get professional assistance to write your paper that will make it easier for you to be published. Service providers take care of the details such as writing styles, formatting and revision of the paper. They also take care of proofreading and editing of the document in order to meet the requirements of the client.The service provider will not only develop the paper according to your needs but also write a draft of the journal research paper according to your instructions. You will not have to face many problems when it comes to format and grammar. The paper will be easy to read and understand, and there is nothing that you can think of that you cannot find where you should look it up. After the writing process is completed, the provider will contact you about the grade of the paper and after you have agreed to it, the service provider will produce the final draft. After the paper is ready, the service provider will arrange your publication.The journal research paper writing service provider will arrange for publishing your paper in different journals and through different channels. Since it is usually published at a reduced price because of the research done by the service provider, you can be sure that your work will get worldwide exposure. With the help of specialized services, you will be able to get published in the journals with ease and be recognized by potential employers.Before the service provider starts working for you, it wil l ask you to complete the information form that asks for basic information about you such as your name, address, date of birth, gender, education, address of the college that you attend, etc. In addition, the form will ask for some other personal and academic information which are necessary for the provider to prepare the journal research paper. This information is then used to research your interests, or hobbies, in order to produce a paper based on your experience.Another factor that the service provider considers when writing the paper is your writing skills and professional experience. Asking you to write about yourself will not only help you find your expertise level, but it will also help the provider to find out what your writing style is like.It is recommended that you spend time and review the document several times to ensure that all the information is accurate. The editor may suggest changes in order to achieve accuracy and clarity in the paper. The editor will also ask y ou to proofread the paper to make sure that you got all the ideas and facts right. Proofreading and editing also allow the editor to find errors in the content of the paper.Once you have signed the contract with the service provider, you will get a copy of the final version of the journal research paper and your account will be credited to your name. You can then submit your paper for publication.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Choosing the Best Topics For Research Essay

Choosing the Best Topics For Research EssayAs research essays can often be a difficult form of writing, the use of important topics for a research essay is usually quite integral to the success of an essay. Although writing the topic for a research essay is actually quite easy, you will find that there are certain aspects of the topic which are especially crucial to include. Therefore, as well as finding out some of the best topics for a research essay, you should also know how important these topics are in order to make the essay a successful one.One of the first things that you need to look at when choosing the topic for a research essay is the topic itself. This is because by changing the topic you can change the type of research that you are attempting to do. By picking a different topic for a research essay you can create a particular style of research which will allow you to concentrate on the topics that are specifically relevant to your topic and not be forced to discuss all the time what they are.Another important consideration when choosing the topic for a research essay is how difficult it is to find enough information about the topic. If the topic is so complicated that you can not find much information on it then it might not be appropriate for your research essay. The focus of the essay should be on explaining your findings so that you are able to communicate clearly to the reader what you have found and why you believe that you have done this. A number of difficult information would mean that the research has been conducted too much and that it is not detailed enough.The last thing that you need to consider when choosing the topics for a research essay is how well the topic will allow you to outline the main ideas of the research. It is always best to start your research with an outline of the most important points to include in your essay, but if the topic is too difficult for this then it might be more appropriate to look at the topics for a re search essay and find a topic which is more suitable for you. By selecting a more suitable topic you will be able to focus on the types of information that you are looking for and you will be better able to understand the results of your research.It is also important to think about how easy it is to find out the information that you are seeking for a research essay. You will often find that it is easier to find the information you need if you do not go into the details of the research as much as possible. In fact, there are certain topics for a research essay which will make it easy for you to do research and then spend more time analysing the information that you find.Another factor that is important to consider when choosing the topics for a research essay is whether the topic is related to the theme of the research or not. If the topic does not include the main theme then you may be better advised to consider an alternative topic for your research essay. Whilst it might seem like a good idea to use a theme for your research essay, it may not always be the best option.By making sure that you choose the right topics for a research essay, you will be able to produce an essay which is very easy to write and more useful to the reader. Make sure that you pick the topics which are appropriate for your research.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Persuasive Essay Samples About Bullying

Persuasive Essay Samples About BullyingYou may be surprised to learn that there are persuasive essay samples about bullying that you can use to help you write an effective essay. It is important to understand the reality of the situation because the author will be asking a lot of questions in the essay. An essay that clearly and accurately describes the facts should be thoroughly researched.The author will want to be able to demonstrate that you can write an essay that will be compelling. When a person feels like they are not getting their point across in an essay, they will most likely stop reading and move on to something else. If they don't feel like they are getting their point across, they won't be interested in reading your essay.Before the essay is written, it should have a brief analysis of the situation that prompted the essay. Understanding the author's main premise in the essay is necessary to create a good argument. By understanding the situation, you will be better able to discuss it with the author.After the essay is completed, it should be ready for editing. In order to edit the essay properly, you should use persuasive essay samples about bullying that explain how you should edit it. By using a proven essay sample, you will be able to edit your essay easily and effectively.To edit the essay, you should always start by documenting your argument. Start by summarizing the main points of the essay and then describe the way you are going to support those points with your essay. As you add additional information, you can add it to your summaries or raise questions with the author.Once you have finished writing the essay, make sure that you follow the guidelines stated in the essay sample. A persuasive essay should be clear and concise. It should also be well written and include important information that is relevant to the topic.The format of the essay should be easy to read and understand. Writing the essay for an online test can make it harder becau se the formatting needs to be very readable and easy to understand. Make sure that your essay is easy to read and understandable so that it does not leave the reader disappointed.The final persuasive essay samples about bullying that you will want to consider using is one that has sound facts and relevant information. While the facts and information must be complete, it should also be concise and easy to understand. The essay should demonstrate that you have taken the time to research the facts in the essay and can effectively use the information.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Writing an Imagery Essay

Writing an Imagery EssayImagery essay topics are the backbone of an effective Imagery essay. Because these topics are so important, you will want to spend some time researching and applying research principles when you are preparing your Imagery essay topic. When you know what to expect, you will be able to create an Imagery essay that is both engaging and engagingly written.It is best to start researching Imagery essay topics before you begin writing your Imagery essay. This way, you can start with a topic that you know you will be able to incorporate to your topic. When you begin to research the topic, you will want to find out whether or not it is a topic that many people use to illustrate and explain their points. Knowing the topic will give you an advantage over those who are writing the essay before you.Imagery essay topics are generally thought of as the use of images in the essay. However, Imagery essays do not necessarily have to have images included in them. Imagery essay t opics do not have to be all about images and pictures. It is easy to tell when the essay is an Imagery essay because the style of writing will reflect the subject matter and will draw on the history of storytelling.Since Imagery essay topics are not all about images, it is a good research method to write an essay that contains images and sounds, but does not have them portrayed as an integral part of the essay. If this sounds difficult, you can select an essay that is simply about text and then give a brief explanation of what the text means, as well as highlighting the differences between text and picture, using quotations, and using different text types to add an element of surprise and intrigue to the reader.You will also want to choose an essay that has good writing skills. Good writing skills are important when you write essays because you will want to make sure that you give your reader a clear and concise explanation of your point oridea. Writing that is too convoluted or dif ficult can make it more difficult for your readers to get your point across, which can affect your reading and comprehension of the essay.Imagery essay topics are generally based on literary works, but there are exceptions. Imagery essays with strong visual elements include television shows, movies, or documentaries. The idea is to find an essay that deals with the same topic and use a different medium to lend a different perspective to the essay.Imagery essay topics are not limited to the field of literature. There are a variety of topics that you can use to illustrate your point, such as video games, board games, books, TV, movies, music, and the internet. Your Imagery essay topic should be one that you are knowledgeable about and have a solid understanding of, and it should be relevant to the point that you are trying to make.It is very easy to research Imagery essay topics by searching on the internet. Look for the type of topic that you would like to include in your essay and s earch for websites that are related to your topic. Some of the other tools that you can use include dictionaries, encyclopedias, and popular databases. The more time you spend doing research, the better you will understand the topic that you are writing about.